Mobile Area Water and Sewer System (MAWSS) experienced a sanitary sewer overflow at 766 Johnston Ave. as a result of the heavy rains and flooding that occurred on April 27, 2023. Approximately 6500 gallons of wastewater overflowed into Eslava Creek.
MAWSS sewer system is designed to collect and convey wastewater to a MAWSS wastewater treatment plant. During heavy rains, storm water infiltrates and inundates aging sewer lines causing manholes to overflow. Though highly diluted, the wastewater enters storm drains that lead directly to creeks and streams. MAWSS is currently pursuing capital projects to address wet weather overflows and rehabilitation of the sanitary sewer system.
Health department precautions regarding contact with impacted waters and seafood preparation should be followed.
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MAWSS Park Forest Plaza
4725 Moffett Road
Mobile, AL 36618