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Leak credits are issued on the sewer portion of the bill only.

If an eligible leak has occurred on your property, you may request a credit adjustment on your account by completing the Leak Credit Request Form. A leak credit can only be issued once within a 24 month period. The credit must be at least $50 or more.

Completing a Leak Credit Request Form does not guarantee that an adjustment will be issued. The information provided will be used to determine if you are eligible for an adjustment.

Leak Credit Request Form

Please fill out the form below.  You may also download the .pdf file if you would like the print version.


*Required Fields

(8:00 AM – 5:00 PM)

Leak Repair Information
Please complete information on company or individual that made repairs.

Today's Hours

Call Center: 8:00AM - 5:00PM

Lobby Hours (Kiosk Only): 8:00AM - 4:30PM

Find Locations

Emergencies 24/7/365


Main Office Address

MAWSS Park Forest Plaza
4725 Moffett Road
Mobile, AL 36618
